dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

8. April 2005

zwischen mitleid und belustigung

Filed under: Academia — Schlagwörter: , — Feylamia @ 12:15

Von sabrina_lo1977 <sabrina_lo1977 @yahoo.de>
Betreff [anglistik] who can help me ?
hello everybody,
I´m looking for the blonde english-student who borrowed (or stole ???) my laptop in co-106 on tuesday.
If you read this, please could you return it as soon as possible or give it to the Fundbüro.
Or if somebody of you has a friend with a new laptop, then please give me a ring ( 0171-7280941 ).
The laptop contains some of my papers and other important stuff, so I would very happy to get it back soon.
Thanks a lot, Sabrina

Vielleicht kann ihr ja einer von euch helfen.

Ach ja – lieber Blondie-Student / liebe Blondie-Studentin – solltest Du versuchen, mein Baby zu mopsen, wird das schmerzhaft. Seeeehr schmerzhaft. Consider yourself warned. 😛

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