dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

8. April 2010

Wahre Worte über Liebe

23/24 Tegan & Sara - Tegan Gets Poisoned + CIO @ Bass Concert Hall, Austin, TX 2/26/10

Großartig. 😀 Love. It burns the shit outta you…

But inside you’re like ‚Not like this. My love is special. My love is different than yours, it’s stronger than yours, it’s memorable in a way yours will never be. But we don’t tell each other that. We sit across in the coffee shop or at the movie or on the phone and we just say ‚Yeah. I bet you do know how I feel.‘ But inside you’re like ‚No, I’m alone. Only people who are lucky like me, who have endured the kind of love that I have, can understand truly how amazing my love is. But I’ll pretend like you know just to make myself feel a little bit better.‘

Call it Off – ein fantabulöses Lied.

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