dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

20. September 2011

Zitat des Tages: You and I

Filed under: Kluge Worte,Zockerschock — Schlagwörter: , , , , — Feylamia @ 20:50

You’d be so proud Caro, I went out drinking with my co-workers and we ended up at a karaoke bar with a 2 for 1 shot deal, so I got myself hammered then got up and belted out Gaga’s You and I, which I dedicated to Alistair and I changed all the nebraskas in the song to Fereldons…i have never gotten so many nerdy boy numbers in my life lol

Ich habe die besten Freunde der Welt …

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