dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

12. Januar 2013

Bitch Flicks

Filed under: dichotomy empfiehlt,Film & Fernsehen — Schlagwörter: , , , — Feylamia @ 16:05

Bitch Flicks:

Bitch Flicks is a website devoted to reviewing films through a feminist lens. We’re interested in conversation about movies—good and bad—and the roles that women play in them. We strongly believe that movies both shape and reflect social values, and that the post-feminist leanings of many women today are misguided.

Not all movies we’ll review are feminist. We love all kinds of movies; whether blockbuster, foreign, independent, comedy, romance, period piece, art house, western, drama, thriller, horror, experimental, or science fiction—or any combination of these—we’ll treat movies with the same kind of respect they show their viewers. We even look at TV shows.

It’s also worth noting that we’re not interested in reviewing only new movies–we’re not in the business of getting you out to spend money at the theater. We see movies at the theater and on DVD from the video store, online, and the library. We’re also not concerned with „spoilers.“ While we’ll try not to give away twists in new movies, we believe that a movie’s plot is often its least interesting element, especially when thinking about implications for women.

The bottom line is that we need feminism, and we also need Bitch Flicks.

Das dürfte ein feiner Link für die Mehrheit derjenigen sein, die auf meinem Blog landen. 🙂 Neulich gab es eine Themenwoche zu Buffy the Vampire Slayer, einige der Artikel dort sind sehr, sehr lesenswert!

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