The Guardian hat Buffy the Vampire Slayer auf der Liste der Top 50 TV Dramas of All Time auf Platz 22:
You can’t get sick of the tale of a SoCal blonde popsy who turns out to be her generation’s vampire slayer. Over seven series thick with classical allusions, pop culture references, wit, charm, martial arts sequences and achingly painful love stories, she grows into the role and gradually learns what it means to be the chosen one. She made old-fashioned ideals like honour and sacrifice relevant and accessible again, and even resurrected ancient feminist beliefs by fighting back against the demons that sought to subdue her. Instead of forever being rescued (or punished – for having sex or self-confidence) like the damsels in horror stories of yesteryear, she saved the world. A lot. Grief, love, betrayal, nobility, self-indulgence versus self-sacrifice – Buffy gave us all this to think about, and some excellent punning too.
Well done! 😀
Die Zigeunerprinzessin wird sich freuen, dass Prime Suspect auf 19 gelandet ist und ich glühe innerlich, dass Coronation Street hinter Buffy liegt. hihi The X-Files ist nur eine magere 45 und Queer as Folk ist 13. Dafür ist The L Word auf 35.