dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

8. Juli 2005

Death is on your heels, baby. And sooner or later, it’s gonna catch you.

Filed under: Academia,Film & Fernsehen,Stake Mignon — Schlagwörter: , , — Feylamia @ 9:51

Ich liebe Buffy Fans.

Heute bin ich über Lydia Chalmers‘ Thesis on William the Bloody gestolpert und die ist, wie William selber sagen würde, „bloody brilliant, luv!“

Um den Ursprung dieser Webseite zu kennen, muss man die Buffy Episode „Checkpoint“ gesehen haben:

Cut to: Spike’s crypt. Spike staring at someone.
WATCHER #2: (OS) But we understand that you *help* the Slayer.

We see that Spike is being interrogated by Watcher #2 while the other two nameless male Watchers stand between her and Spike. One of the men holds a cross, the other a crossbow.

SPIKE: I pitch in when she pays me.
WATCHER2: She pays you? She gives you money?
SPIKE: Money, a little nip of blood out of some stray victim, whatever.
WATCHER2: Blood?
SPIKE: Well, if they’re gonna die anyway. (considers) Come to think of it, though, that’s a bit scandalous, isn’t it? Personally, I’m shocked. The girl’s slipping.
WATCHER2: You’ve noticed a decline in her work?
SPIKE: Oh, yeah. See, the poor little twig can’t keep a man. Gets her all down. Few more disappointments, she’ll be cryin‘ on my shoulder, mark my words.
WATCHER2: (frowns) Is that what you want? I’d think you’d want to kill her. You’ve killed Slayers before.
SPIKE: (intrigued) Heard of me, have you?

He walks a little closer. The two male Watchers shift nervously and hold up their weapons.

WATCHER2: (embarrassed smile) I … wrote my thesis on you.

WATCHER2 ist oben erwähnte Lydia Chalmer. Die Tatsache, dass da ein paar Buffy Fans das komplette Teil geschrieben und online gestellt haben ist schon wunderbar genug. Aber richtig witzig wird’s erst, wenn man die imaginären Quellenangaben liest. Vorzugsweise sollte man Buffy-Fan sein, erst dann wird’s richtig, richtig witzig…

Hier ein paar meiner Favoriten:

  • Anon. Things to Do in Denmark When You’re Dead: Following Throughout Europe, 1900-1950.
    Copenhagen: Vampir period for which so little is known about our subject, the accuracy of the various accounts given. Nonetheless, establishing a tentative itinerary for William the Bloody with Drusilla and sometimes with Darla as well.
  • Gellar, Fredrick. Angelus and Drusilla. London: account of the siring of Drusilla.
  • Giles, Rupert. Interview with Several Demons conducted at Willie’s Place (unpub.) 1996.
  • Travers, Quentin et. al. Who’s Who in the World of Damned Creatures. London: COW Publishing, 1988.
    This is the standard text in the field, or at least in Council headquarters. The treatment of Spike is lengthy and definitive, as are all the entries pertaining to the Order of Aurelius. It assigns little importance to Watchers‘ and Slayers‘ Diaries, however, preferring to rely on internal documents generated by the Council.
  • Walsh, Margaret. Dissecting Demon Physiology. Los Angeles: Swastika Press, 1998.
    This is a fascinating preliminary study, setting out parameters for useful physiological experiments, which only came to my attention late in the thesis process. Rigorous studies of vampire physiology are rather thin on the ground, owing to the difficulty in garnering suitable subjects. Now if the author were only in Sunnydale, she might be able to make a deal with the Slayer to provide suitable material for further study.

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„I’m not ashamed. It’s the computer age. Nerds are in. They’re still in, right?“
– Willow

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