dichotomy We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

8. August 2007


Filed under: Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: — Feylamia @ 21:23

Deine Lebensweise stimmt zu 54% mit der eines Veganers überein!

Dein Rang: Soja-Drink Trinker

Dein Zustand ist bedenklich! Du befindest Dich in akuter Gefahr, Deine Essgewohnheiten sind bereits jetzt schon gefährlich!
Eventuell liegt bei Dir auch schon ein leichte Nervenstörung, verursacht durch Fleischmangel vor. Diesen Zustand solltest Du baldestmöglich ändern, am besten noch heute. Täglicher ausgelassener Fleischverzehr ist bei Dir im Moment höchstes Gebot!

Herausgefunden bei antivegan.de… was sagt man dazu!

24. Februar 2007


Filed under: Augensüßkram,Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles.,Film & Fernsehen — Schlagwörter: , — Feylamia @ 20:06
Tina Kennard

„you = Tina Kennard.

Back in the day, before she and Bette tried to have kids, Tina was a development exec at a (fictional) studio called Alphaville. Tina’s always been the caring, not-so-selfish, fun loving, maternal type.

She’s the softer side of Bette, one might say. Quite literally, her better half.

You, apparently, are much the same way. Your friends come to you for advice (although not as often as they would ask the Alice or Shane in your group), they come to you for a cuddle, they come to you if they’re sick or in need of a shoulder to lean on. You’re a rock, and you have massive amounts of untapped strength inside; you won’t even realize how much until you have to pull from it.
You’re loving, trusting, open, and flexible as hell (mentally, you pervert). Even though you’re all of these things and more, you don’t let people push you around. You maintain your spine through all the people who may try to break it. Be careful though, as your stubborness and inherent independence can cause problems in various situations.“

– Sagt mir: Which L word Character Do You Most Resemble

Ich will nicht die doofe Tina sein. *quengel*

4. Februar 2007

Freud hat immer Recht!

Filed under: Augensüßkram,Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , — Feylamia @ 17:18

Hot Dog
Which random phallic object are you?
Quiz by Andrea.

5. September 2005

member of the dixie chicks

Filed under: Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , , , — Feylamia @ 11:07

57% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.

Diesen Link schickte die ehrenwerte Dozentin MS und schwupps – dialekttechnisch bin ich ein Dixie Chick, wenn auch nur gerade so. 😀

17. August 2005


Filed under: Augensüßkram,Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , , — Feylamia @ 22:28

ich bin regina
Which Rainbow Brite Character Would You Be?

26. Juli 2005

kleine bunte scheibenwelt

Filed under: Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , — Feylamia @ 21:36

Susan Sto Helit

You scored 82 intelligence, 68 morality, and 42 physical strengenth!

As Death’s granddaughter (a long story, which you greatly dislike), you inherited his ultimate practicality and lack of fear. In fact, boogeymen and other childhood boggles fear YOU. Often assisted by the Death of Rats and his raven, you manage to fix the Universe inbetween working as a governness and educating the masses. The ultimate teacher.

The Which Discworld Character Am I Test

Mit diesem Ergebnis entlasse ich mich selbst in den wohlverdienten Urlaub. 🙂

26. April 2005

yee haw

Filed under: Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , , — Feylamia @ 20:53

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English
30% Yankee
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Dixie
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

1. April 2005

von B* gemopst

Filed under: Das Leben. Das Universum. Und alles. — Schlagwörter: , — Feylamia @ 23:37

You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.

In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths:
(1) Life is suffering.
(2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance.
(3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment.
(4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration.
In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one’s spiritual worth is not based on birth.


Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

1. März 2005


I am nerdier than 88% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
Ich hab‘ den link beim Grumpy Gamer gefunden und dachte, ich schau mal nach. Aber so schlimm bin ich eigentlich wirklich nicht. *schnüff* Und das mit den Vulkaniern wusste ich sowieso nur, weil T. so’n Trekkertrekkie ist!

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!
Aha, und seltsam bin ich auch, ja?
Naja, wurscht. Ich lese jetzt vor’m Schlafen gehen noch ein wenig im Monkey Island comic. Ich frage mich, ob el diablo del java schon MI3 weitergespielt hat… muss ihm morgen direkt mal eine Email schreiben. 🙂
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